Project RDD

Nanto Protective Coating S.r.l. is lead partner of the new project PLASTICO (Plastic Cover For Marine Engine), an R&D project launched on May 9, 2017 within the Marine Technologies area. The project activities are co-funded by the European Fund for Regional Development and are one of the priorities of Regional Operative Program 2014-2020, Asse 1 Azione 1.3.b. The aim of PLASTICO is to design and engineer a new polymeric matrix composite for the production of a cover for ship engine, able to satisfy the regulatory requirements (SOLAS). The multifunctional material will replace the currently used aluminium ad will have the following characteristics: reduced weight, sound absorption, mechanical, thermal and flame resistance, thermal insulation and low volatility. The cover will provide advantages during installation and maintenance, thanks to the reduced weight. The project draws attention to the environmetal sustainability with a study on the Life Cycle Assessment of the identified material, bringing a considerable energy saving during manufacturing process. PROJECT PERIOD: 21 months BUDGET: 1.051.529,98 Euro PARTNER: Nanto Protective Coating S.r.l. (Capofila), AEP Polymers S.r.l. e Università degli Studi di Trieste


Nanto Protective Coating Srl is partner of the new ongoing project GGT Doors. The application fields of the project are naval and offshore. The objective is to develop a key technology for the safety in the marine sector: an innovative gas tight door, which uses as insulation not the mineral wool but a product obtained from the reuse of scrap materials and from additives of natural origins, without the use of gas or high temperature treatments during the production. GGT Doors aims to product a high-performing ecological door that responds to the strictly regulations of Oil&Gas sector, through the application of new solutions that allow at the same time the use of ecological and recycled materials, cleantech coatings and additives, and the success of all gas tight, burst strength, fire resistance and marine corrosion tests. The project result will consist in the production of a prototype that satisfies the specific requirements during the planning phase: less weight, less global thickness, better sound insulation, better heat insulation, resistance to corrosion and marine degradation, fire resistance. In addition, the prototype will allow the demolition of the emission of fumes, without the emission of toxic hazardous products, with a consequent environmental sustainability benefit. The project is funded by Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia through the POR FESR 2014-2020 programme.